Sunday, January 30, 2011

First post this year and my promise... sorta...

Welcome to a new year and a new goal. Last year was what I would consider a down year as far as my photography is concerned. It doesn't feel like I really got out much and if I did, not much was garnered from those outings. I think I got a little over consumed with my other favorite hobby (golf) and it pushed photography aside.

This is my year to really challenge my photography skills and take photography where I've never taken it before. The promise I make is to shoot at least once a week and post something to the blog at least every other week. As you can probably guess this doesn't lend itself to shoot exclusively landscapes. I'm going to venture into still life, sports and yes portrait photography. For those who know me, you realize how big of a step this will be for me. I'm very very comfortable shooting landscapes but get me outside of that comfort zone and it's like I never held a camera. But it's time I put on my big boy pants and get to cracking. You'll be hearing and seeing more from me in the future. Here's hoping we can both handle it.

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