Sunday, January 30, 2011

Step 1 complete. As a part of my previous post I headed up to Echo Lake today to shoot abstract ice. Let me tell you it was a bit sketchy out on the lake. I think with the warm temps the last few days things are getting "loose.' I lost count of how many time I heard a crack from behind me. It kept me moving though... And the cracking sound got louder as I got nearer to the middle of the lake.
A couple of things I learned today some more obvious than others. First is to not be in a hurry, you're on ice after all. No, I didn't fall at all today not even close. Secondly, has to do with camera settings. To get the nice cool blue coloring set your white balance to florescent or take a manual light reading. Lastly is to have fun. Don't stress about how many keepers you get just shoot and enjoy the time outside.
Masamitsu Photography

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