Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Project 3 Complete: Flower Macro

   Well it's way overdue but I finally made the time to attempt flower macros.  I think the images turned out okay but think I could definitely do a better job if I had more time.  Just seems like I can't / don't / won't make time to spend with my camera.  It's going to get even tougher since golf season is right around the corner.  Anyway, enough rambling.
    As you can tell by the sample images, I have a lot to learn when it comes to macros.  I did remember a few things from my past attempts.  The primary one was to ensure to use LiveView to get the image as sharp as possible.  It would have been close to impossible to get these images sharp just using the viewfinder.  Also the depth of field with macro photography is so small even at f40 (which these we shot at) it's still pretty narrow.
  For the images themselves my setup was very simple.  I wanted a high key effect to the images so I had a large tri-fold white foam board as my background, the flower was clipped to a cup so I could easily arrange and try different compositions.  These were all shot in my kitchen using only natural light (can't afford a fancy dancy ring-flash).. Actually it was even darker since the blinds were closed, didn't want the light & dark stripes showing up as the background.

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