Saturday, February 26, 2011

Project 2 completed: Baseball

   I went to Austin last weekend to watch my nephew play baseball for University of Maryland versus University of Texas.  It ended up being a informal family reunion as we got to see pretty much everyone in the family.  Anyway, I'm getting off the topic.
   If you know me at all you know I don't like to shoot people.  Actually, I hate shooting people.  Well as part of this project, I'm forcing myself out of my comfort zone.  So on to what I learned.  Well it's not as easy as it looks or as easy as the pro's make it look... or at least it wasn't for me.  I got the majority of the technical stuff down but had some issues with focusing. I tried spot focusing first and it worked okay until the subject started to move a little, if the subject move off of the spot I ended up focusing on the stands in the background.   What I should have used is Dynamic with Continuous Servo mode.  This would have allowed me to set the focus point then the D700 focusing system would have tracked the subject as it moved.  Damn you for not reading 800+ page manual!  Oh, well at least I learned something.
  Also I could've used a faster lens as well.  I rented the new Nikon 28-300 3.5-5.6 FX since there was a limitation on the size of the lens you could take into the stadium.  I wanted to take my 80-200 2.8 but they never would have allowed.  Heck, I got hassled for the size of this lens even fully collapsed.  All the photographer's shooting from the photography bullpens had at least 400mm 2.8.  I was jonesing for one of those!
   Below I've posted what I think we're my best shots from the weekend.  No post-processing, just convert to JPEG.

On Deck

I like this because all three people at the plate are tracking the ball.

What's the hitter looking at?  The other two have their eye on the ball.

My nephew Taylor supporting the 'Horns.

A neat little still life shot.  

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