Friday, February 4, 2011

Nikonians Monthly Contest

   Today I was pleasantly informed that I had been selected as a finalist for this months Landscape contest on  The image selected is one of my favorites, it's called "The Overlook".  This image was taken overlooking Peyto Lake in the beautiful Banff National Park.  You're probably wondering what makes this image one of my favorites.  Sure it's got qualities that exist in a great image but that doesn't make it an automatic favorite.  The real reason I love this photograph is it taught me how the preciousness of time and being there.
    I was on a photography based vacation with some great friends.  Every night we would sit down and plan out what we wanted to shoot the next day, what would be the ideal times to be at each location consulting map, books etc.   Earlier in the day we stopped by the exact same spot and spent time exploring different compositions and shooting.  However, the light wasn't really ideal.  It was bright flat midday light.  So we continued on way.
    After spending time exploring and doing touristy stuff we decided it was time to head back. On the way back, the temps dropped and it began to snow.  I had seen a few images of Peyto Lake (from Darwin Wiggetts book) and knew if the lighting and conditions were right we could have some serious fun.  We headed to the same overlook we had visited just 5 hours earlier and viola.  This is the scene that was presented to us.  All you had to do was find the right composition that pleased your eye.  As you can imagine I took quiet a few shots (majority are okay to good) but this image really stands out to me.  It's the depth, clarity, texture and captured emotion that really makes this image for me.  I could have stood there for hours just looking at this scene.... And I can't wait to go back.  
    As far as the contest goes (I know it's cliche) but just being selected is a honor.  I'll let you know how the voting turns out.  If you have a Nikonians account, please check it out and vote.

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